
Unusual Terns and Common Terns in Flight

Roseate tern flying 2011
Is there anything more beautiful than a tern in flight? Not to me there isn't! Here is a gorgeous Roseate Tern in flight.

arctic tern flight 2011
I also think the more unusual a tern is, the better I like it. Very shallow, I know! This is an Arctic Tern. Arctic Terns have the distinction of the longest migration of any birds on earth!

common tern flying
This tern is common around here, but its certainly not a Common Tern everywhere!

Roseate tern flying II 2011
Another shot of the lovely Roseate Tern in mid air.


  1. Beautiful flights shots, the Terns are pretty birds. And fun to watch!

  2. ...beautiful flight shots! There is something about their wing shape that makes them sooooo beautiful...

  3. Superb arial acrobats. I don't get to see Roseate very often over here so thanks for sharing yours Susan.


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