
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Up Close and Personal

rose breasted grosbeak
This was a big surprise, believe me! I've never had Rose-breasted Grosbeak at my feeders before!

rose breasted grosbeak close
Isn't he gorgeous! He stayed around all day, eating at both platform feeders and trying a bit of suet.

rose breasted grosbeak tilted
I took all of these from inside the house, sneaking up on him very slowly. Still, he could hear the camera. He just didn't seem as afraid as most.

rose breasted grosbeak pm
The photos I took from outside in the afternoon were just a little too blurry.

rose breasted grosbeak seed
I was hoping he would stick around, but I haven't seen him since last week :(


  1. You are a lucky duck! These photos are fabulous. I've never seen a rose-breasted grosbeak.

  2. WoW! Lucky girl...this is an amazing visitor! You have some great photos in this series, Susan!

  3. Nice to get a new visitor and up close too!


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