OK, I finally feel as if my life has some small amount of meaning once again. I went out, I went to my river, I took photos (damn good ones, too!), and even took a dozen shots of a bird so awesome that just seeing him gives me shivers!

Isn't he a glorious, magnificent, outrageous looking creature? In this shot, you can just about see the small black pupil in his crazy yellow eye. Who knew that such an exotic creature lived right here in Framingham?

Like most people, at first I assumed his head was a puffy round ball. But instead it is shaped like a dinner plate! Tom saw this picture and said, 'I knew he reminded me of someone. It's Don King, the fight promoter!'

Too many pictures of one bird? I know it, but this is a thrill for me. Not only did I see him, I also managed to get decent pictures! (BTW, I only posted a quarter of the images captured!)

Another shot that almost shows the pupil. He was pretending he didn't see me, or pretending that I didn't bother him.