
Delicate Doves

mourning dove looking up

Mourning Doves are pretty common, ordinary birds. But did you ever take a close look at them? They have some lovely luminescent colors. And they have a nicely shaped head and pretty eyes, too.

mourning dove sideview

Check out the iridescence epaulets that sparkle and change colors in the sunlight. Check out the polka dots, too.

mourning dove with seed

In my yard, mourning doves usually eat under the feeders. Lately, the frenzy at the feeders has meant less seed on the ground, so there are mourning doves in the platform feeders almost every day.

juv mourning dove

Here is a juvenile mourning dove. As you can see, she lacks both the exquisite colors and the grace of her mother. Pretty eyes, though!

juv mourning dove 2

A face only a mother could love? No, I'm kidding. A very attractive young bird!


  1. Right on! and true for many common birds with subtle colorings. Overlook nothing.

  2. ...loved your post. I too love Mourning Doves. They are gorgeous, but their call is what always gets me. They remind me of being at my grandma's house. I love them!

  3. The common species are often overlooked but these are certainly worth a second glance or two. FAB.

  4. What a great tribute to mourning doves! They do deserve some recognition. Great capture of the iridescence on the neck!


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