This impressive display is evidently a Great Black-backed Gull's way of threatening other gulls.

There were two GBBG's competing for proximity to some fishing poles.

They screamed at each other and followed each other around for a while.

Then one of the gulls got serious about chasing the other away.

The attacker was like a whirling dervish as he pursued his rival. Pretty soon he had the beach to himself.
Terrific post, Susan. Love the photos, particularly the last two.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing those gulls inland during the winter here in our little town of Portland. Nice photos Susan-and nice tidbit of information about the displaying gulls.I wasn't aware of that but it makes sense.
ReplyDelete...haha! Sounds like it was fun to watch. Love that last photo too...sort of Dracula-like (he's in season...). :-)