The autumn leaves look lovely reflected in the waters of the Sudbury Reservoir. It was a beautiful day for leaf peeking. Not so good for birding. My husband took some very nice pictures, though!
He shot this photo of mallards in the sun.
And I love his image of the mallards swimming through the fallen leaves.
More mallards in the golden leaves.
Believe it or not, I saw two duck species I was hoping to find, but I didn't get pictures or see them well enough to add them to my list! (The red water looks cool, though.)
On Golden Pond.
A Cormorant flies over the fall foliage.
A rock island in the reservoir was home to Double-crested Cormorants and a few species of gulls.
My husband even managed to snap a photo of an upside-down woodpecker directly overhead!
"This is quite the extraordinary angle to catch such a cool bird! Meghan and I were just marveling at the talent we saw in these images and we've concluded that they are of professional quality!"
"All the foliage and the Great Blue Heron are sooo pretty!"