
Carolina Wren, House Finch, and Bluebirds

Within five minutes of seeing a bevy of bluebirds on Saturday, we saw a Carolina Wren at the suet feeder.  Another bird I don't see often in mid-winter!

Like most people I know, I am inordinately fond of Carolina Wrens.  This pert little wren is one of my favorite backyard birds - especially when he and his mate choose to nest and raise a brood or two right next to my bedroom window.

A House Finch is not an unexpected sight, but what I like about this photo is seeing a House Finch sitting next to an Eastern Bluebird.  I tend to group them together in the 'small bird' category, but in truth the bluebird is much larger.

I'm still enchanted by the sight of bluebirds at the feeder right outside my window.   They may or may not herald an early spring, but I feel happy just seeing them!

I'm also very impressed by my husband's photography skills.  I will always love seeing a photo of a bird frozen in flight, and he must of taken five or six of such pictures in about five minutes!


A Bevy of Bluebirds!

I have never seen an Eastern Bluebird in my yard before.  I have never seen an Eastern Bluebird at a suet feeder.  I have never seen an Eastern Bluebird in January.   Yesterday I saw seven Eastern Bluebirds in my yard.  On the suet feeder.  In the middle of January. Nice!

I can't help thinking that Spring must be right around the corner!  I could be very wrong about that, however.

It turns out that there are quite a few Eastern Bluebirds around.  According to e-bird, there have been plenty of sightings around here lately.  Someone else on my street reported seeing four of them just last week!

My friend Carolyn saw some bluebirds in the pines near her house recently.   This one was perched in our ever popular Eastern Red Cedar trees.

My husband managed to get some good photos of the little flock.  I especially love the torpedo in flight one on the right!

 Another one posing in mid-flight!

In any case, I am really glad I looked out the window at that exact moment.  I am thrilled to have seen Eastern Bluebirds at a feeder in my back yard in the middle of January!